#!/bin/bash SOURCE=/volume1 DEST=/volume2 APPDIR=\@appstore ASK=true while getopts ":y" opt; do case $opt in y) ASK=false ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done echo "This will move packages from $SOURCE to $DEST" echo "" if [ ! -d $DEST/$APPDIR ]; then mkdir $DEST/$APPDIR chmod 777 $DEST/$APPDIR echo "New app directory created" fi echo "Searching for packages on $SOURCE..." for d in /var/packages/* do [ -d "$d" ] || continue app=$(basename $d) symlink=$d/target if [ ! -e "$symlink" ]; then echo "$app has no symlink" continue fi if [ ! -e "$SOURCE/$APPDIR/$app" ]; then echo "$app is not in source directory" continue fi if [ ! "$(readlink $symlink)" -ef "$SOURCE/$APPDIR/$app" ]; then echo "$app: Symlink doesn't point to source directory" continue fi echo "Found $app" file_warnings=$(find $d -type f -exec grep -l "$SOURCE" {} \;) if [ ! -z $file_warnings ]; then echo "Be careful!" echo "The following files contain '$SOURCE':" echo "$file_warnings" fi if $ASK; then read -s -p "`echo $'\t'`Move $app? (y/n)`echo $'\n \b'`" -n 1 -r [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || continue echo "" fi echo "`echo $'\t'`Moving $app..." synopkgctl stop $app cp -rp $SOURCE/$APPDIR/$app $DEST/$APPDIR/ rm -f $symlink ln -s $DEST/$APPDIR/$app $symlink mv $SOURCE/$APPDIR/$app $SOURCE/$APPDIR/__$app synopkgctl start $app echo "`echo $'\t'`Done. Backup in: $SOURCE/$APPDIR/__$app" echo "" done echo "Done for all." echo "" echo "If you want to remove $SOURCE you should also move the following:" echo "" for f in /var/services/* do [ -L $f ] || continue target=$(readlink $f) if echo "$target" | grep -q $SOURCE; then echo "System service symlink $f to $target" fi done